Thursday, July 16, 2009

new blog. new beginning.

I'm turning over a new leaf. I just wasn't happy with my old blog url. it grossed me out, so i never used it. this one is kinda cute, and then i can change the title of my blog whenever i want to! Oh la fart is just the name right now because the only people that read this also read so i am just doing this to get a couple of giggles. i hope it works!

i'm going to start blogging more i promise. ok shannon? ! hopefully this one allows you to comment on it.

on a side note.... today i became friends with Hailey Glassman. Jon Gosselin's 22 year old gf. i'm pumped!


  1. the 'oh la fart' made me giggle! one down, two to go....

  2. Mark is going to be REAL upset. He wanted to name his blog oh la two are such twinsies! :)

  3. omg, you guys with your bathroom humor...

    BUT I'M SO EXCITED I CAN FLIPPIN COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
